Quality Policy
The company’s success lies mainly in its ability to maintain a high standard of quality and to adapt it constantly to the changing market. Quality, in Model 5, is understood in a broad sense, as the continuous improvement of every aspect of the company’s organisation, methodology, tools and skills.

To this end, the company intends to pursue Global Quality through the following policies:
- Consistency and quality of the corporate image: all graphic, documentary, administrative material and in any way related to the company’s internal and external communication (e.g. website, presentation brochures, digital presentations, e-mail, administrative material such as offers, invoices, letters) must meet criteria of graphic homogeneity, communication consistency, formal and orthographic correctness, clarity of content. The guidelines for this coherence are defined and periodically updated by the creative and operational management, each within its own sphere of competence.
- Optimisation of technical equipment: in order to maintain its position of excellence on the market, the company uses high-level technical equipment that is continually updated (e.g. computers, monitors, software licences). Model 5, moreover, promotes advanced experimentation, in order to intercept in advance frontier technologies able to guarantee a position of advantage in the possible developments of the market (Virtual Reality, 3D Printing, Virtual Prototyping etc.).
- Continuous updating of skills: the company promotes research and experimentation also among its employees, organising refresher courses, but also supporting in every way the aspirations and requests of employees to learn new skills and methodologies.
- People development: the company promotes the wellbeing of employees, organising periodic individual interviews to gather their suggestions, reports of critical issues and requests of various kinds, in the deep conviction that the development of people is a primary and indispensable condition for the growth of the entire organisation.
- Dialogue with customers and suppliers: the company talks to suppliers and customers, asking them for periodic reports on its work in terms of quality, in order to improve its level of service on the basis of the criticalities reported.
Protection of all interested parties: The company implements the necessary and sufficient operational methods to protect all interested parties from the Pandemic, in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory laws.
MODEL 5 S.r.l. guarantees that the company’s Quality Management System complies with what is defined by the Standard: UNI EN ISO 9001 edition December 2015