Last month’s CES in Las Vegas showcased once more the increasing convergence between the electronics giants and the automotive world. The advent of electric mobility, promoted in various ways practically all over the world, has brought new players to the automotive field, which we certainly cannot define as supporting actors or simple start-ups…
Tesla is already a very consistent reality, so much so that’s the first automotive company in the world by capitalization. Huawei has already presented its first concept car, developed together with the Chinese giant GAC and which already foreshadow the incorporation of disruptive technological innovations, such as graphene batteries. Sony at CES announced again the development of its own line of electric cars, to finish with the neverending story of the Apple I-car project, announced and denied several times, but which unofficially seems to be still under development.

The entry of these real giants, with their boundless technological know-how and huge financial resources, can only cause a total change of the scenario: in the coming years we will therefore see an acceleration of the technological innovation process never seen before in the history of car.
If we think of the computers or mobile phones of twenty years ago, compared with the smartphones we have in our hands today, perhaps we can get an idea of the upheaval and radical development that awaits the automobile in the coming years.

This acceleration is destined to change totally, and in just a few years, what we have known up to now as a car, with results that today are difficult even to imagine.
Faced with this electrifying prospect, design and engineering are also called upon to evolve in an equally profound way, so to keep their focal role in the process.
We in Model 5 can’t wait to get started, are you?